PinC Technology deliver you various services of software is a live, 24 hour, web-based service, monitoring protection zones around ports, subsea and surface assets It monitoring the behaviors of vessels in and around these zones and constantly feeds vessel position back to central control hub for the detailed analysis. raises an alarm if the analysis shows that a vessel is exhibiting potentially damaging behavior.
Foundry360 is a product that provide multi-domain function to any organizations. It is also a high-performing web-based Telematic system for any organization to track and manage their assets efficiently. Our product boast specialties that set us apart such as User- friendly interface, Advanced Analytics, Scalability and real-time tracking. Our product offers budget-based customized telematics solutions.
Blacksmith provides seamless integration capabilities, allowing you to effortlessly connect your data ecosystem. With compatibility for MQTT, AIS, BigQuery, PostgreSQL, and Kafka protocols, you can easily integrate and streamline data from various sources, simplifying connector management and enabling efficient installation and upgrades.
Oceanwayz is a platform to support authorities in managing and tracking vessels without capability of installing AIS Transponder. To ensure vessel owners can safely venture into the sea and authorities are notified of their risks, this portal streamline the process of tracking and managing vessel trips and manage the boat’s record.